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本報告は学位論文「神秘劇をオペラ座へ――バルトークとバラージュの共同作品としての『青ひげ公の城』」の内容の発表である。この論文で筆者は、ハンガリーの作曲家バルトークのオペラとして知られる『青ひげ公の城』を ①バルトークと他の芸術家・思想家の当時の交流状況、②劇作家バラージュによる原作戯曲の解明、③作者2人の共同制作状況および戯曲とオペラの作劇法の差異 の点から論じ、最終的にはバルトークとバラージュの共同作品としての側面を明らかにした。報告では初めに上記の論文要旨を紹介し、次に本論の中から第1章「『国民音楽』の殿堂――ハンガリー・オペラと王立歌劇場」を取り上げて詳細に報告を行った。
Research Report (Report of Ph.D Thesis)
Staging the Mystery Play within the Opera House: Bluebeard’s Castle as a Collaboration of Bartók and Balázs
This thesis is a study of Béla Bartók’s (1881-1945) opera, Bluebeard’s Castle. This study focuses on its librettist Béla Balázs’ (1884-1949) role and his activities with Bartók and discusses:
- The friendship between Bartók and young intellectuals and artists;
- The dramaturgy of the original mystery play written by Balázs; and
- The cooperation of Bartók and Balázs and dramaturgical differences between Bartók’s opera and Balázs’ text.
As a conclusion, this dissertation reveals the idea that Bluebeard’s Castle was created as a collaboration of Bartók and Balázs.
In this research meeting the presenter introduced the abstract of her doctoral thesis, and then reported on the first chapter titled “Palace of National Music: Hungarian Operas and Royal Opera House.” This chapter analyzes the programs of the Hungarian Opera House from its establishment in 1884 to 1909. It also discusses the state of opera productions in that period, using contemporary music criticisms.
As a conclusion, this chapter reveals that many Hungarian composers created operas because of the Hungarian National Millennium in 1896, and these compositions were influenced by Wagner’s music dramas or Verismo’s operas. It also shows that contemporary music critics expected Hungarian opera composers to follow in the footsteps of a national composer, Ferenc Erkel.
The presenter concluded that additional research must be conducted on the impact of Franz Liszt’s compositions in the Opera House. In addition, the presenter recommends that a more thorough definition of Hungarian operas be developed. These further studies are essential for understanding national operas in the 19th century and will also benefit from comparative studies with other regions such as Czech operas or Polish operas in the near future.
Profile of Presenter
Post-doctoral Fellow, the University of Tokyo
*As at the date of meeting