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所長 荻野 静男 (早稲田大学教授)



設立時所長 丸本 隆 (早稲田大学名誉教授)

Members of the Institute

→see the Comprehensive Research Organization page

Director greeting

The Future Development of the Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre (2016)

Studies about opera or music theatre have progressed in many individual fields, such as literature, music, history, theatre, and art. But what we might call studies that consider the nature of composite art are few in number. It has been said that studying opera is particularly difficult because we need not only interdisciplinary knowledge about every art included in opera and the society around it, but also special knowledge of music. While this is the case, it is also certain that points of view in opera study have become diversified, and researchers are now required to demonstrate wider knowledge and deeper insight.
The Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre aims to be a center where current research and knowledge about opera study can be collected and researchers can exchange information. We also try to communicate actively with those who engage in performance practice in order not to let our studies become mere armchair theory. We should then be able to attain high standards in our regular seminars and contribute to actual performance practice in occasional concert events.
Moreover, this year saw the realization of a joint project with Tel Aviv University in Israel, where a performance of Satie’s Socrate and related events (lecture, symposium, etc.) took place. Following this project, we will make ever more determined efforts to disseminate the results of our opera studies not only domestically but also globally.

Prof. Shizuo OGINO, Director of the Institute

Establishment of the Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre (2011)

Opera and music theatre, both genres of stage arts, have greatly affected every country’s culture. However, academic studies of opera and music theatre did not actually start until the 1980s, which means that this academic field is still underdeveloped. For that reason, there has been overwhelming progress in research throughout the world. This is very interesting to us as Japanese. Nevertheless, research of opera and music theatre in Japan has not been in line with the recent world trends and has not had a large presence in the academic area.
Being aware of this situation, we organized the project called “Theatrical Studies of Opera and Musicals” in the “21st Century Centre Of Excellence (COE) Program” at Waseda University in 2002-2006. We continued developing this project in the following “Global COE Program” in 2007-2011. We promoted the collaborative project in order to make a difference in the situation, and organized over 100 research meetings and published two books.
The aims of the COE programs were to train younger researchers and create a base of the research. Thus, this research institute, established by participants of the two COEs, is a very important achievement of the COE programs.
The Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre would continue to plan various activities so it can be a strong foundation of the study of opera and music theatre. The Institute would also like to establish a nationwide academic society and introduce methods to study the topic.

Prof. Takashi Marumoto, the former Director of the Institute