English follows Japanese
- 1 研究成果物
- 2 年度別研究報告
- 2.1 ■2020年度以降
- 2.2 ■2019年度以前
- 2.3 2019年度研究報告
- 2.4 2018年度研究報告
- 2.5 2017年度研究報告
- 2.6 2016年度研究報告
- 2.7 2015年度研究報告
- 2.8 2014年度研究報告
- 2.9 2013年度研究報告
- 2.10 2012年度研究報告
- 2.11 2011年度研究報告
- 2.12 Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020
- 2.13 Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019
- 2.14 Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018
- 2.15 Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017
- 2.16 Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2015-2016
- 2.17 Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2014-2015
- 2.18 Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014
- 2.19 Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013
- 2.20 Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2011-2012
⇒ 総合研究機構のサイトの年次活動報告を参照してください。
本年6月、「宝塚歌劇と世界の音楽劇」をテーマに開催された演劇学会全国大会に際し、全面的な協力体制をとった。大会運営やシンポジウム の司会をはじめ、総括講演、パネルセッションなどに本研究所の研究員・招請研究員9名が参加し、さらに定例研究会でそれら動したテーマを設定し、大会 との連携をは かった。これによりオペラ/音楽劇の学術研究団体として日本随一を誇る本研究所に課せられた、この分野の拠点としての主導的役割を果たすこ とができた。 これらの活動については、ホームページ、フェイスブック、ツイッターなどを通じて常時、発信を行ってきた。
本研究所は、演劇・映像学の研究拠点形成を目標に2002年度から10年間、2次にわたって行われた早稲田大学演劇博物館のCOE事業の一プロジェクト「オペラ/音楽劇の総合的研究」の構成メンバーを主体に、そこで培われた共同研究の成果を継承する新たな学術組織として開設 された。その初年度である2011年度はグローバルCOEの最終年度と重 なったこともあり、定期的に開催された研究会など、そこでの各種イベントに各員が積極的に参加する形で、本研究所全体の研究実績 を高める活動が中心となった。
一方また、研究 所の運営体制の確立を進めながら、今後の研究活動の全面展開に向けた長期計画についての検討も重ねてきた。それに関しては、(1) 本研究所主催の、月に一度の研究会(2012年4月以降)、(2) 本研究所独自の ホームページの開設・運営、(3) 出版企画(仮題 『オペラ/音楽劇のキーワーズ』)、の3点を柱に据えた活 動を行っていくことを確認し、その準備に向けた作業を開始した。
特に (3) については、30名を超える本研究 所構成員の知見を総結集し、研究会での各原稿の相互査読などを通じてたえずレベルアップを図りながら、日本で遅れがちなオペラ/ 音楽劇の学術研究の飛躍的進展に貢献しうる可能性を秘めた研究書の出版を目指して、第一歩を踏み出したところである。
Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020
In this Fiscal Year we approached the genre of the stage art opera and music theatre both from the standpoint of practice on stage and from that of the academic research.
In April 2019, Mr. Takashi Kuwabara from New National Theatre, Tokyo held a lecture on the practical works that take place behind the scenes. In May, Mr. Yoshihide Aoki held a lecture on the realization of a staging the rare opera Kōdayū in Moscow.
From June on, a variety of presentations by researchers and adjunct researchers were carried out. Their themes are classified by the countries central to their research: France (1), both Germany and Italy (1), Germany (3), Japan (1), Russia (1), Italy (1). This indicates the diversity of our research fields.
The historical periods of these presentations ranged from the seventeenth century to the present. In summary, the presentations dealt with: religious aspects of Manon, Werfels Verdi. Roman der Oper as a monument of ‘Verdi-Renaissance’ in the 1920s, some aspects of Keiser’s Croesus, the genre “Märchenoper”, the “Japaneseness” of the opera Hikarigoke by Ikuma Dan,the reforms of stage production by Moscow Private Opera and such, opera performances in the period from the second half of eighteenth century through the first half of nineteenth century in Berlin, “accademia” as private art activities outside the court. Almost all these presentations will become the contents of the book project which will be published in March 2021.
The second number of our journal Waseda Opera and Music Theatre Studies was published in March 2020.
Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019
This fiscal year we were finally able to start our journal Waseda Opera and Music Theatre Studies. This appears to be the first research journal in the field of opera studies in Japan. The Institute’s researchers and adjunct researchers spared no effort to ensure its successful launch. Furthermore, we were able to hold a symposium on the performance of Fidelio at the New National Theatre in Tokyo. There were presentations on the newest direction taken by Katharina Wagner.
Beside the monthly regular meetings, we promoted the activities of a number of working groups. Of particular note is the working group “Research Group in the Field of Opera Staging with the Aim of Databasing Programs at Opera Houses,” which successfully applied for a grant from JSPS (the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), receiving a research grant to cover the next three years of the group’s work. The “Baroque Opera,” “Wagner,” and “Inszenierung” working groups continued their solid activities in their respective research fields.
Our activities of an international nature were as follows:
There was a presentation by Professor Brooke McCorkle from the University of Vermont, USA, whom I (Ogino, Director) invited through the Waseda Institute for Advanced Studies as a visiting scholar, at the monthly regular meeting in July 2018, on the opera Ochitaru-Tennyo (The Fallen Celestial Maiden), with a libretto by Tsubouchi Shōyō and music by Yamada Kōsaku. Furthermore, the Institute’s researchers joined Prof. McCorkle in translating the whole libretto of this opera into English. Finally, two members of the “Inszenierung” working group were invited by Tel Aviv University, Israel, and held presentations on Japanese operas at two conferences there.
We also have a new aspect of research: Opera education for the public.
Our research activities are now dispatched to regions all over the world through our Institute’s homepage, our Facebook account, and our Twitter account, among others.
Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018
Active regular monthly meetings were held throughout this fiscal year. The themes of the research presentations concerned a variety of countries, including Italy, Germany, Austria, Russia, and England, reflecting the wide interests of researchers and adjunct researchers at our Institute and those of the members of the Opera Research Group, its cooperative organization. The period covered by the talks was historically very broad, with some presenters speaking about baroque dance and opera at the end of 16th century and others about opera direction in the 21st century.
Furthermore, we invited Professor Günther Heeg from the University of Leipzig, Germany, to give a lecture at the meeting of October 2017. He spoke about operas by Vincenzo Bellini. This represented a move into international activities beyond our own country.
The most memorable event of this fiscal year was the Symposium in Commemoration of the 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Monteverdi – The World of Baroque Opera beyond Monteverdi, held in December. This event was a project by the baroque opera working group at our Institute. Lectures on baroque operas from Italy, France, Germany, Russia, and England based on legendary stories of emperors in Ancient Rome were given, and some pieces of music from these operas were played. The audience of this Symposium consisted not only of people from our own university, but also of those from outside. It is good to report that this hugely successful event far exceeded our expectations.
Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017
In fiscal year 2016-2017 we achieved two important results. One was the carrying out of the “Opera Socraté Project” and the other was the publication of the book Handbook for Research in Opera and Music Theatre, Based on Keywords.
The “Opera Socraté Project” was a joint project run by Waseda University, in Japan, and Tel Aviv University, in Israel. The project consisted of an events-series for research conducted by Professor Michal Grover-Friedlander, from Tel Aviv. We invited her through a program supported by the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS) and held five main events together, all open to the public. The members of our Institute, together with students of Waseda, staff members, and participants from outside the university, were able to extend and deepen their knowledge of the direction of the voice of opera. We were also able to enjoy a staging of Socraté,by Erik Satie.
The book Handbook for Research in Opera and Music Theatre, Based on Keywords was the product of a conception devised by the main members of our Institute. They had nursed this conception for about ten years. Over the last few years, in particular, they intensively improved the quality of the large number of draft contributions that had been submitted. As a result, we were finally able to publish this book.
We will continue to approach this art genre actively from both sides—the actual staging of opera and music theatre and the academic research that develops from it.
Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2015-2016
During this fiscal year, we held nine regular research meetings in order to explore various approaches to music theatre studies, focusing on opera from different standpoints. At these meetings, reports were given on the progress of the book project “Keywords for Opera and Music Theatre”; presentations were given by members of the Opera Research Group, working in cooperation with the Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre; and a symposium centering on the analysis of theatrical repertoires was held.
The presentations not only analyzed major western operatic works and composers, they examined the roles of backstage staff and producers, discussed Asian-made operas not commonly viewed in Japan, and proposed giving careful consideration to the visual aspects of performance. As our Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre continues to welcome new members, we hope these presentations will increase in variety, providing stimulating points of view and fresh materials for study.
In the autumn semester, Ms. Takako WADA, who is in charge of Opera SAI, an opera performance group in the city of Wako, Saitama Prefecture, presented our annual lecture. Many members of this Institute participated in the open rehearsal and performance that accompanied this lecture. Events like this have given us the important opportunity to put our research into practice.
Moreover, we have established a website to continuously provide information in both Japanese and English about our activities and presentations, as well as to note the publication of books authored by our members. We have also provided such information regularly through SNS, Facebook, and Twitter. In the next fiscal year, we plan to extend an invitation to an opera director, Prof. Michal Grover FRIEDLANDER, and we therefore think it will be even more important to announce our activities via Internet.
Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2014-2015
In this fiscal year, we held 11 regular research meetings in order to make various approaches to music theatre studies, focusing on opera from different standpoints. The regular research meetings are categorized into two types: one reports on the progress of the book project “Keywords for Opera and Music Theatre”; the other offers presentations by members of the Opera Research Group which works together with the Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre.
In the presentations, besides analyzing scores or libretti, which is the conventional approach to opera studies, various ideas are proposed giving careful consideration to the visual aspects of performances. It is widely known that opera is referred to as Gesamtkunstwerk, but the relationship between music and visual elements has received little academic discussion. In spite of such a situation, the presentations of our Institute are varied: from those focusing on the question of how performances were given on stage at the time when the works were composed to those regarding the problem of performances led by directors today who place great emphasis on the visual aspects.
In addition, we communicate actively with the actual venues of opera and music theatre. Topics of the regular research meetings have included a report by a member of Opera Research Group who produces opera and a lecture on the field of opera production. In particular, we held a concert by singers from the Tokyo Nikikai Opera Theatre in June 2014. In the future, we intend to return the fruits of our research to the actual venues through communication with them. Furthermore, in November, we supported the workshop ‘“National Music” as Idea – Strategy and reception in Russia, Central Europe, and East Europe from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century’. The final presentation in this fiscal year was a farewell lecture by Professor Takashi MARUMOTO of the School of Law, the former Director of our Institute. Its theme was “Opera and Nationalism/Transnationalism”.
Moreover, we have established a website to continuously provide information in both Japanese and English of our activities and presentations as well as the publication of books authored by our members. We have also announced them regularly through SNS, Facebook, and Twitter.
Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014
In this fiscal year, we held 9 regular research meetings. We also organized a special collaborative research meeting with an opera performance, The Magic Flute in Seitoku University, and hosted Ms. Michiko Taguchi’s lecture, a director and a singer living in Italy.
Thus far each researcher has given a presentation about their individual research achievements in the regular meetings. Because study of opera and musical theatre in Japan is underdeveloped. However, we discussed setting a research theme and carrying out collaborative research projects in the next fiscal year. We also continued to edit and improve our manuscripts for the book, “Keywords of Opera and Music Theatre.” We are working hard to publish it.
Moreover, the Institute contributed research to the nationwide conference of Japanese Society for Theatre Research in June. The conference’s theme was “Takarazuka and World’s Music Theatre.” 9 researchers from the Institute participated in the administration of the conference, as a chair of the symposium, as a plenary lecturer and as panelists. During regular research meetings, we decided to set a theme similar to that of the conference and the Institute agreed. As a result, the Institute fulfilled a leading role as a research base in this field. We decided to take on this role because the Institute is the largest research association for opera and music theatre in Japan.
We promote these activities through the website, facebook, twitter and so on.
Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013
In the second fiscal year, 2012, the Institute established a steering committe to develop research activities.
First, we organized 9 research meetings. Such regular meetings were already the main activities in the COE programs of the Theatre Museum.
Second, we created our website, Facebook page and Twitter account. They enabled the researchers to promote effectively the Institute’s achievements in society.
Third, we improved the quality of the manuscripts for the upcoming book, “Keywords of Opera and Music Theatre” by subjecting them to peer review. We aim to finish writing and publish the book next year.
Moreover, 4 researchers and 1 Ph.D student involved in the Institute made presentations at an international conference in Leeds, England(See details in the bulletin of the Comprehensive Research Organization, Waseda University). Many participants from all over the world became interested in the research of opera and music theatre in Japan because of our presentations. Our participants are now developing the topic based on the presentations and planning to publish their papers in international journals.
Also, 9 researchers began preparing for the nationwide conference of Japanese Society for Theatre Research in June, 2013. Conference’s theme is “Takarazuka and World’s Music Theatre”.
The Institute would like to take on a leading role in research of opera and music theatre and continue to carry out the activities above.
Activity Report for the Fiscal Year 2011-2012
This Institute was established mainly by the participants in the project of “Opera and Musical Theatre Studies”, which was one of the projects of the COE program at Waseda University. The purpose of the COE program was to create the base for research in Theatre and Film Arts and it was carried out by The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, Waseda University in 2001-2006 and 2007-2011. The Institute aims to take over and develop the achievements of the COE projects.
The first fiscal year of the Institute, 2011, was also the final year of the COE program. Therefore researchers attempted to enhance achievements of the Institute by actively participating in the events of the COE such as regular research meetings.
At the same time, we researchers of the Institute established administrative systems of the Institute and discussed the long-term plan for the development of research in the future. Consequently, we decided on three activities: 1) we will hold monthly research meetings after April, 2012; 2) we will build the Institute’s website; 3) we will publish a book (the tentative title is “The Keywords of Opera and Music Theatre.”) We will continue research projects related to the three above activities and begin to prepare for them.
Book’s publication will include knowledge of over 30 researchers. We constantly improve the manuscripts through peer review. Currently we are preparing to publish a book which would contribute to the promotion of academic research of opera and music theatre.