English follows Japanese
本発表では、2010-2012年フランクフルト歌劇場の新制作として上演された、ヴェラ・ネミロヴァ Vera Nemirova (1972- ) の演出を分析する。同演出は、音楽の解釈においてある程度の独自性を有する一方で、その表現手法においては既出の演出を継承している点も多い。同演出の「諸演出の集積体」としての面を捉えた上で、その独創性について考察することは、同演出を《指環》演出史にいかに位置付けるかだけではなく、今後の《指環》演出がいかなる解釈と表現の可能性を持ちうるかについて、一つの解答を示唆することとなる。
Research Report
Performance possibilities of Der Ring des Nibelungen: A case study of the 2010-2012 Frankfurt-Ring directed by Vera Nemirova
Since the late 20th century, Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen has been performed under various types of direction. So the ways to interpret this work may already seem to have been exhausted during this century. But it is certain that there are many Der Ring productions whose direction attracts audience’s interest, and we should consider how to evaluate these productions.
This presentation examines the performance of Der Ring at the Frankfurt Oper in 2010-2012 directed by Vera Nemirova. The first half of the presentation, by comparing her production and previous ones, makes it clear that Nemirova’s ways of direction can be regarded as in a sense an accumulation of those in the past. In contrast, the latter half of the presentation tries to show the creativity of her direction from another point of view: how she directed the actual performance on the stage.
This presentation especially focuses on the first and second scene of Act 2 in Die Wälkure. These scenes contain a very long past narrative and the actions on the stage tend to be fewer. But Nemirova’s direction avoided the drawbacks of such a lengthy style by adding actions in the present time: writing/erasing letters on the wall. In other words, her style of direction demonstrated its originality by visually representing music as performance. This approach implies that not only in her production but also in other recent ones the main issue concerning the direction of Der Ring has shifted from how the work is interpreted to how it is performed.
Profile of Presenter
Doctoral course, Department of Musicology, Tokyo University of the Arts
*As at the date of meeting