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◇発表者:笠原 真理子


近年多様化が進むオペラ演出においては、3Dはとうに越えて4DやVRの視点を取り入れる手法が散見される。その中でも古典的な手段の一つである「香り」の活用は、既に19世紀半ばからヨーロッパの舞台演出でなされてきた。とりわけ19世紀に「嗅覚のブルジョワ化」(Corbin 1982)が進んだフランスにおいては、時代とともに変遷する香りの価値観が芸術作品にも反映され、オペラ作品においても、香りや嗅覚が、テキスト、音楽及び舞台演出の重要な要素となっていたといえる。

本発表では、ジュール・マスネ(1842-1912)のオペラ 《タイス》(1894)を題材に、19世紀後半から20世紀初めにかけてのフランス・オペラにおける香りが、テキストと音楽の相乗効果によって表現される様相の特色とその背景を分析する。最終的には、現代にオペラを上演する際の香り演出の可能性を示す。








Opera and Scent: Massenet’s Thais as a Subject

◇Presenter: KASAHARA, Mariko
◇Time and Date: January 21st (Sat.) 2023, 16:30-18:00 (JST)
◇Format: Online meeting (Zoom)
◇Language: Japanese


In recent years, opera productions have become increasingly diversified, with many incorporating 4D and VR perspectives that have long since surpassed 3D. One of the most classic methods, “scent,” has been used in European stage productions since the mid-19th century. Especially in France, where the “bourgeoisification of the sense of smell” (Corbin 1982) progressed in the 19th century, the changing values of fragrance over time were reflected in artistic productions. In operas, scent and the sense of smell were essential elements in the text, music, and stage direction.

In this presentation, using Jules Massenet’s (1842-1912) opera Thais (1894) as a case study, I will analyze the characteristics and background of the synergistic effect of text and music on fragrance in French opera from the late 19th to the early 20th century. Finally, the possibilities of scent production in contemporary operas will be shown.

Profile of Presenter

Dr. Mariko Kasahara is a Project Researcher of the Humanities Center at the University of Tokyo and also an adjunct researcher at the Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre at Waseda University. She has just completed her doctoral thesis, “The Mise en Scène of Massenet’s ‘Manon’: Analysis in the making process of an opera derived from a literature,” at the Department of Cultural Resources Studies, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology at the University of Tokyo. Her current academic interests are in Catholicism and scents depicted in French operas derived from literature during the Third Republic, opera staging, manga, and digital humanities.

*As at the date of meeting

Meeting Report

Format: Online meeting (Zoom)
Moderator: ONO, Hanae
There were 20 participants.