
English follows Japanese


(1) ラインハルト・カイザーの《高慢な、転落し、再び高位に返り咲いたクロイソス》

(2) メルヒェンオペラ

◇報告者:荻野静男 山本まり子
◇会場:早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 3号館 606教室

(1) ラインハルト・カイザーの《高慢な、転落し、再び高位に返り咲いたクロイソス》(16:30 ~ 17:30)








(2) メルヒェンオペラ(17:40 ~ 18:40)









司会:中村良(1) ; 佐藤英(2)

Keywords for Opera and Music Theatre

(1) Der hochmütige, gestürzte, und wieder erhabene Croesus by Reinhard Keiser

(2) Märchenoper

◇Presenter: OGINO, Shizuo ; YAMAMOTO, Mariko
◇Time and Date: October 5th (Sat.) 16:30-18:40
◇Venue: Waseda University, Waseda Campus, Room 606 of Building 3

(1) Der hochmütige, gestürzte, und wieder erhabene Croesus by Reinhard Keiser (16:30-17:30)

◇Presenter: OGINO, Shizuo
◇Language: Japanese


This project considers the opera Der hochmütige, gestürzte, und wieder erhabene Croesus (The Proud, Overthrown and Again Exalted Croesus) and examines some relevant aspects including the Freie Reichsstadt Hamburg, the Enlightenment , opera and citizens of the city, conflicts with Protestant Church, the figure of Croesus, and finally the opera’s libretto, music, and its dance elements.

Profile of Presenter

Professor, Faculty of Political Science and Economics and Director, Waseda Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre. Special research fields: Science of Art, German Studies. Ogino is the author of “Ingmar Bergmans Verfilmung der Zauberflöte” (research paper, 2015), translator of “Wagner und die bildende Kunst seiner Zeit” by Andrea Gottdang (Japanese translation, 2019) and coauthor of Handbook for Opera and Music Theater Studies-Reading Keywords (2017).

*As at the date of meeting

(2) Märchenoper (17:40-18:40)

◇Presenter: YAMAMOTO, Mariko
◇Language: Japanese


This project examines “Märchenoper” (fairy-tale opera) from the following literary and musical viewpoints. First, the presenter defines the term and explains its position in music history. Then historical background and the development of the genre is provided. The presenter explains features of the texts in the relevant oral and written literatures. Finally, musical features of the genre and representative works are discussed.

Profile of Presenter

PhD (musicology) / Professor, Faculty of Music, Seitoku University / Adjunct researcher at the Waseda Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre / Trustee of Japan Vocalists Forum. Yamamoto’s research focuses especially on the works of Gustav Mahler and his contemporaries. She has collaborated on books such as Exporing “Ikai (Otherworld)” (2013) and Die Dramatizität in den Bünenwerken Richard Wagners (2014).

*As at the date of meeting

Meeting Report

Double bill
Moderator: NAKAMURA, Ryo (1) ; SATO, Suguru (2)
There were 20 participants.