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開催報告:早稲田大学総合研究機構 オペラ/音楽劇研究所 2023年度12月研究例会(第215回オペラ研究会)

◇日時:2023年12月2日(土)16:30 – 18:00

◇発表者:石井 道子


研究分野はドイツ語圏を中心とする中世ヨーロッパ文芸とその影響。最近はヨーロッパ文芸が近代東洋に与えた影響についての研究も手掛けている。共訳『ミンネザング』(大学書林、2001年)。論文「シュタインヘーヴェル版イソップ寓話集の利瑪竇『畸人十篇』に与えた影響」(環日本海研究年報27巻、新潟大学、2022年3月)、「グリム童話の東アジア受容 : 日本語および中国語翻訳について」(環日本海研究年報28巻、新潟大学、2023年3月)。

◇司会者 : 森本 頼子


Report of Monthly Regular Meeting December 2023 (The 215th Meeting of Opera Research Group)

Waseda Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre (WIROM), Comprehensive Research Organization,Waseda University

◇Time and Date: December 2nd (Sat.) 2023, 16:30 – 18:00 (JST)
◇Format: Online meeting (Zoom)

◇Presenter: ISHII, Michiko
◇Affiliation: Waseda University
◇Title: “The Three Figures of Tannhäuser in Wagner’s Opera”
◇Language: Japanese

In this report, I will deal with three sorts of figures of “Tannhauser”: a minnesinger, a pagan, and a penitent. The story of the hero in Wagner’s “Tannhäuser” originated in a German “Volksbuch” (“people’s book,” a kind of chapbook) of the 18th century. In the legend, a minnesinger was tempted to a life of pleasure in the Venus Grotto because of the beautiful goddess. Originally this title-hero could have been a medieval minnesinger (ca. 1245-1265). In this report, I will analyze the love songs he performed at court and search for the reason why the character was later obsessed with the goddess Venus. Moreover, I would like to consider the same character in Hans Sachs’s carnival play “The Court of Venus” (1517). In this play, we can see that the character of Tannhäuser is a hedonist. On the other hand, the title hero of the Wagner opera seeks the salvation of God. Through the interpretation of three sorts of characters of Tannhäuser, I intend to reveal a more accurate intention of Wagner.

◇Profile of Presenter:
Michiko Ishii studies German literature with a research focus on medieval Germany and its influence on future generations. Besides this, she focuses on the phenomenon of the influence of Europe on the religions and literatures of modern Asia. She published a translation and commentary of German love songs of the Middle Ages as a joint work with other specialists, “Minnesang” (2001, Daigakushorin). Lately, she published “A Study of the Influence of Steinhöwel’s Aesop on Matteo Ricci’s ‘Jiren Shipian’ (畸人十篇)” (Annual Bulletin of Northeast Asian Studies, No. 27, Mar. 2022) and “The Translation of Grimms’ Fairy Tales in Japanese and Chinese” (ibid., No. 28, University of Niigata, Mar. 2023).

◇Moderator: MORIMOTO, Yoriko

* Comment: There were 20 participants.