English follows Japanese
Research Report (Keywords for Opera and Music Theatre)
New Opera and Music Theatre in the Present and New Directions
This project introduces new opera and music theater staged in Europe and North America in this century, and it examines new directions there. In this way, it tries to consider how the operatic medium has been transformed.
Profile of Presenter
Professor at Waseda University, School of Political Science and Economics. Director of the Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre, Comprehensive Research Organization at Waseda University. Special research fields: opera and music theatre and culture in the countries of the German language. Professor Ogino is coauthor of Opera and Music Studies Today – Dynamism of Creation and Spreading (2021) and Handbook for Opera and Music Theatre Studies – Reading Keywords (2017). He is the author of “Ingmar Bergmans Verfilmung der ‘Zauberflöte’” (2015) and the translator of “Wagner und die bildende Kunst seiner Zeit” by Andrea Gottdang (2019).
*As at the date of meeting