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オペラ/音楽劇のキーワーズ [第12回](研究員・会員向け)
(1) イザドラ・ダンカンとリヒャルト・ヴァーグナー
(2) ナチス・ドイツ時代のバイロイト音楽祭のラジオ放送
(1) イザドラ・ダンカンとリヒャルト・ヴァーグナー(16:30 ~ 17:30)
(2) ナチス・ドイツ時代のバイロイト音楽祭のラジオ放送(17:30 ~ 18:30)
Keywords for Opera and Music Theatre [#12]
(1) Isadora Duncan and Richard Wagner
(2) The Broadcast Programs of the Bayreuth Festivals in the Era of National Socialism.
(1) Isadora Duncan and Richard Wagner (16:30-17:30)
This presentation examines Isadora Duncan’s activities in Germany and Richard Wagner’s influence on her dance and ideas.
Profile of Presenter
Associate Professor (2019-present) at Waseda University. Earned Ph.D. in Literature, Waseda University. Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2013-2015). Research Associate (2015-2016), Assistant Professor (2016-2019) at Waseda University.
*As at the date of meeting
(2) The Broadcast Programs of the Bayreuth Festivals in the Era of National Socialism. (17:30-18:30)
This project examines the broadcast programs of the Bayreuth Festivals in the era of National Socialism mainly from their planning and their impact to listeners.
Profile of Presenter
Associate Professor at Nihon University. Ph.D. (Literature). Adjunct researcher at the Waseda Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre. Special research fields: German Studies (Music and Literature). Sato is the author of “Der Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs und sein Einfluss auf die Musikprogramme im deutschen Rundfunk” (2019), translator of “Das Reichsorchester. Die Berliner Philharmoniker und der Nationalsozialismus” by Misha Aster (Joint translation, Japanese translation, 2009) and coauthor of Handbook for Opera and Music Theatre Studies-Reading Keywords (2017).
*As at the date of meeting